Because this one easy fix will give you an instant energy boost.


You’re almost out of gas.

Don’t deny it.

Because the fact is, you’re tired before your day even really gets going.

Why is that?

Well, let’s take a look.

And you’ll notice that I didn’t say “Let’s think about it.”

For good reason.

More on that later — stay tuned.

But — seriously.

By the time you do the basic things each day — just the stuff you have to do — you’re exhausted.

Which means that you don’t even get to the good stuff most of the time.

And sure, the good stuff varies from man to man.

Maybe for you, it means what you do when you get off work.

Or — maybe it means getting to do at work what you really enjoy doing.

But the fact is —

It’s feeling a lot like ground hog day.

Because day in and day out —

You’re in the same old rut.

Which leaves you feeling pretty bad.

So what can you do?

Here’s one thing you can do today —

Ask yourself:

Where am I wasting my best energy?

Take 5 minutes right now —

Yes, right now —

And write down where you’re wasting valuable energy in your day.

And then making the hard things easy.


Got that list?

Now — look at it.

What do you notice?

What you’ll notice is that the stuff on your list of energy wasters is stuff you don’t like to do.

And this will come as no surprise.

But what may come as a surprise is that you have a choice about what you do every day.

And you might object —

You might say that you don’t have a choice.

But stay with me here.

Because yes — there is stuff you have to do every day if you’re going to keep peace in the kingdom, a roof over your head and bread in your belly.

So make an easy choice.

But here’s where it starts to get better.

Because while you may not have a choice about some of the stuff you have to do in your day, you do have a choice about what you do with it.

Meaning —

You’re overthinking it — again.

Because you don’t want to do this stuff.

But you’re wasting a tremendous amount of energy resisting what cannot be resisted.

In other words, you’re overthinking the basics — again.

Just get on with it man!

There are some things you just have to do.

But when you waste time procrastinating about the basics, they get the upper hand over you.

So stop overthinking the basics.

Stop wasting your time resisting what you have to do, and get on with it!

Because the more you say to yourself “Why do I have to do this stuff?” the more your energy is drained.

Now — take another look at your list.

If there’s stuff on your every day list that can come off the list — take it off the list.

But get clear on what your list of basics is — and then just do it.

Because when you do, you’ll have a whole lot of energy left over for the good stuff.

And you know that if you have questions about how to get into a routine that works for you and brings you more energy, you can always write to me at

I’ll be sure to get back to you with tips and suggestions about your list, your focus, and telling your story well.