Overcoming Gravity Men's Life Coaching Portland

Overcoming Gravity Men’s Life Coaching Portland

You’re frozen.

Overwhelmed by conflicting thoughts.

Thoughts like “I gotta get out of here!” and “But then what?”

Until your thoughts have you tied up in knots.

Until you’re frozen.

Not your best look.

But we’ve all been there. So stop beating yourself up. Every one of us has been up there on that high dive and looked down and thought, “No way. I can’t do this.”

But that’s monkey mind stirring the pot, trying to get you confused.

Stop listening to the monkey! It will drag you down and leave you frozen every time.

And stop wasting precious time feeling foolish or ashamed.

Instead, let’s get your thoughts clear and get you moving freely again.


Free your mind!

Your success depends upon taming the monkey.

Tame the monkey, and you’ll be flying again!

Tame the monkey.

When you’re in monkey mind, you’re unsettled, restless, and confused.

You listen too closely to your inner critic.

But you have more control over your mind than you may think. 

After all: you’re a man, not a monkey!

As such, you have a beautiful clear creative mind — when you’re not caught up in monkey mind.

But what you do need is an adjustment to your thinking, to keep monkey mind from derailing you.

And for that, you need the best mental mechanic you can find.

That’s me!

I can show you how to give your mind a tune-up that will keep it running smooth and clean.

I’d love to meet you, hear your story, and get that monkey off your mind!

“Mark Newton is a phenomenal life coach. I’ve worked with other counselors and business coaches and Mark is best of the best. He is a great listener, expert guide for difficult life decisions, and encourages useful action to make forward momentum towards life goals. I can’t recommend him highly enough!” ~Geoff

Let’s get moving.

Free your mind and get moving again!

Take the first step today by booking an introductory session. You’ll see how just a few key adjustments to your mindset will change everything.

You’ll wonder why you waited so long!

Overcoming Gravity is located at 1923 N.E. Broadway Portland, Oregon.

Feel free to contact me! I am happy to answer any and all questions related to coaching and the coaching process. Because it is essential as you search for the right coach that you are able to satisfy your curiosity. For example, you might want to know more about the structure of the program here at Overcoming Gravity. Or you might want to know more about me. And there are no questions off the table as you pursue what will be an important investment in your well-being! 

My approach to coaching is from a story perspective. I help you listen to your story and create a compelling narrative that addresses your unique quest. We will look at the facts of your situation, explore what you want in light of those facts, and set in motion specific actions which will help you realize your dreams.

So please leave your question, and I will be happy to respond. 

Free your mind!

Transition Coaching for Men Portland



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© Overcoming Gravity Men’s Life Coaching Portland

1923 N.E. Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232