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start your day

Another stressful day. You wake after a less than satisfying night’s rest, and already you feel behind. What if instead of reacting to the events of the day, you were to start your day with the simple act of listening to yourself?

Here’s the difference.

This will sound obvious, but here it is: Stress comes from the outside. Listening to yourself comes from the inside. Stress weakens you. Listening to yourself strengthens you.

It really is that simple. And while it may take a little work on your part, you will be so much better once you make the switch to balance which comes from the inside. In this brief post, we will look at how to make the switch from outside stress to inside strength.

It’s an inside job.

Let’s start with this: Have you noticed how little you listen to yourself? You listen to just about anyone else — through the news, your social media, outside “experts.” But when it comes to listening to your own inner wisdom, you’re a bit lost. 

There are many reasons for this. One reason is that you went to school for a huge portion of your life. And at school, you were taught to learn what someone else said, and then take tests which checked to see how well you could regurgitate what you had been taught. So you were programmed to learn the “right answer” from outside yourself, to the big questions of life. 

But you have a huge amount of inner wisdom, despite all of this early programming, if only you could learn to trust yourself!

You can make the shift to listening to yourself with one simple trick. 

One simple trick.


If you would begin your day writing, preferably in your own hand on paper with a pen or pencil that feels good in your hand, with the simple intention of listening to yourself, you would experience a huge mental shift that would transform everything else that followed in your day. 

Why? Because you would be heard. Even if no one else heard you that day, you would have been heard. 

Here’s how to make the switch.

Remember, everything essential must be easy. Which in this case means prepare today for writing tomorrow, so you don’t wake up tomorrow with the same stress you woke up with today.

Make a place to write where it’s easy. Where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. If this means setting up a desk in the basement, do it. Or if this means simply getting yourself a small piece of plywood you can put on your lap so you can crawl into some small corner, do that. It may mean taking yourself to outside to a cafe or some other spot where you will be undisturbed for those critical few minutes at the beginning of your day. 

Put it on your calendar. It’s an appointment with someone very important: You. Does this feel selfish? Think of it this way: all the other people in your life will benefit from these few minutes of personal clarity, including, but not exclusively, yourself.

Keep the appointment. You wouldn’t put an appointment to meet someone else on your calendar and not show up, would you? No. So put it on your calendar and then show up for yourself. 

Here’s why.

When you start your day listening to yourself, you feel less alone. The most stressful part of any day is when you feel isolated.

When you start your day by listening to yourself, you have the sense not only of who you are and what you want, but with the sense that you are not alone. Whatever else happens today, someone has your back.

One Simple Structure

Accept. At the moment, you’re stressed and unfocused, listening to just about everyone but yourself.  

Build. You want to feel centered and balanced.

Connect. Make a simple, reliable plan to listen to yourself. Urgently desire to hear what you have to say, so you can start your day feeling connected with your own inner wisdom. 

The takeaway:

If you want a better day — less stressful and more confident — start your day with a few minutes listening to yourself.

Read more.

I can help you make a plan to begin your day by listening to yourself — and stick to your plan. 

And you have a couple of options for your next step. You could contact me and describe what you're going through. And I'll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over in person. Either way, I'm here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

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