Once Ugly Ducklings find out what they’re capable of, there’s no stopping them.

You may remember the story of the Ugly Duckling. He was shunned and shamed because he didn’t fit in. But then one day he discovered something that changed everything: He wasn’t a duck! Suddenly, his life made sense, and he began to dance and fly and trumpet, because he finally understood who he truly was. 

But swans begin as ungainly, awkward creatures. It’s no wonder they wonder they flounder at first. Nevertheless, don’t count them out. In time, they become powerful, beautiful aviators with strong wings and long necks.

Are you an Ugly Duckling?

If so, it might be time to stick out your neck and spread your wings.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering why you don’t fit in. Or why your ideas seem strange and unconventional. Like Van Gogh, years may have passed without appreciation of your talent, and with little measurable success.

But maybe it’s time to stop trying to fit in. Maybe it’s time to actually assess your unusual talents. Could it be that you are one of those beautiful creatures who were never meant to fit in with the conventional crowd in the first place? Is it time for you stop trying to impress those who will never understand you? 

If so, stick out your neck.

Maybe it’s time to begin to become who you truly are.

I mean, think about it. Do we really need more of the same old duck shit? What if you are a world-beating inventor of something we’ve never seen before? You know you’ve dreamt this dream, but you’ve been hiding it, afraid to stand out.

So how about taking one small step today into the world of Ugly Ducklings? The first step wouldn’t need to be all that risky. You could simply voice one of your genuine opinions at the next staff meeting. Or do a Google search for that wild idea that won’t leave you alone, and see if anyone else is doing anything like it.

You might even find a flock of Ugly Ducklings near you with whom you could begin to hang out and share wild swan songs.

Make this one of your atomic habits.

Atomic habits are small, powerful habits that change us from the inside out. 

Plan to take at least one small step today and tomorrow and the next day to become more of who you would be if you had the courage to do so.

You have enough time for this, even if you don’t think you do. The risk? Minimal. The benefits? Astronomical for you and for everyone who needs what only you can bring but have been hiding all these years under a blanket of shame and frustration. 

Because if you will, what you will realize is that when you begin to take these small steps to stick out your neck and rise up above the noise and confusion, your confidence will grow. You’ll suddenly have a reason to get up in the morning. Your heart will be pumping not with dread of another dull day but with the passion and motivation known only to those who rise up to become who they truly were all along.


The takeaway:

Are you an Ugly Duckling? If so, maybe it’s time to stick your neck out and rise up.

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