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How do you remedy a Grey Day?

How do you remedy a Grey Day?

When you feel low, how can you remedy what’s holding you back? First, don’t be surprised. Down days are to be expected. Sometimes when we feel low, we think we must be doing something wrong — or that there is something wrong with us. But down days...
How to keep going on a difficult day

How to keep going on a difficult day

Some days are easy. Most are not. How can you keep going on a difficult day, when you want to give up and go home? Here’s how. First, catch your breath. When you’re stressed, one of the first things to suffer is your breathing. You hold your breath,...
Did you forget where you’re going?

Did you forget where you’re going?

When you let your fear of failure take control, it’s easy to forget where you’re going. Want to get refocused? You can. Here’s how. Hmmm… There it is again — that nagging fear of failure. It comes at midnight, 3 a.m., noon…...
How to worry less and reach your goals sooner

How to worry less and reach your goals sooner

You worry too much. Would you like to worry less and reach your goals sooner? Here’s how. What is worry, anyway? Worry is a verb. Worry: to give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. So it feels active. And because...
Are you giving yourself enough time?

Are you giving yourself enough time?

You start out with the best of intentions. But you often stop short of success. Is it because you’re not giving yourself enough time? You mean well. After all, you’re a decent guy. You look out for others and make sure the people around you get what they...
What sets you apart from the other guys?

What sets you apart from the other guys?

You might be surprised by what makes you the go-to guy; the one thing that sets you apart from all the others. It’s not that. You look at the guy next to you. And you ask yourself: “How is that guy doing it? Why is he so successful?” And you work to...