Why are you avoiding the underlying problem?

Why are you avoiding the underlying problem?

Avoiding the problem only makes it bigger. It’s time to stop running so you can enjoy your daytime and sleep better tonight. It’s unpleasant. So you push it away. It’s not exactly like running, but you certainly aren’t facing up to the problem...
What would make you feel good at the end?

What would make you feel good at the end?

At the end of this day, will you be happy with the results? It’s not what you do. That would be easy. You just get up and go. And go and go and go. You know the drill. You do it every day.  And yet, at the end of the day it’s not what you’ve done,...
Why are you making your life so difficult?

Why are you making your life so difficult?

Your life can be as easy as hitting that sweet spot just right. Here’s how to stop making your life so difficult. What have you been practicing? Remember that confidence comes with repetition. Which means you become confident at whatever you do over and over....
Want to create a better arc for your story?

Want to create a better arc for your story?

Is it possible to change the trajectory of your life — the arc of your narrative — to actually become the man you want to be? What is your trajectory? Your life story has a trajectory. What does that mean? It means your life is a story, and there is an arc...