Sometimes, making decisions feels like drowning, with too many options overwheming you. When you feel overwhelmed with options, use the primaries to decide easily.


Drowning in options?

So many options. You feel bad that you can’t decide, even though your difficulty stems from your own intelligence and creativity. You’re a creative man who can hold more options in your head at one time than most others. A blessing and a curse.

Use the primaries.

To cut through the tangle, use the primaries. To illustrate what I mean, consider the following scenario: You have gone to the beach with the love of your life. It’s a hot summer day, so at some point, your partner slips off her shorts and her blouse, and runs into the water. You enjoy seeing her swimming out in the river with several others. You smile and wave. Such a stunner. You can’t imagine why she is still with you.

The moment of decision.

Suddenly, you realize there is a problem. She and others start to panic and scream. They are about to become a statistic. The Columbia River claims lives every year in its tricky currents. As you race to the water’s edge, who are you going to try to save from drowning, first?

Suddenly, clear.

Not a difficult decision. At that moment, you feel the tug not only of the river but of your compassion. You want to save them all. But only one soul in that river is your main squeeze. She is the one that you will try to save before attempting to save the others. This is an example of a primary relationship, of which you only have a few, when you really stop to think about it. These primary relationships are called primaries.

Please do this.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, use the primaries. Think about it: in every decision you make, there are relationships connected with your decision. Whether it’s which supplier to use, or who to put on furlough first during difficult financial times, consider the nature of each relationship. Only a few of them are primary. Use this filter to guide your decisions, and you will find your path clear.

Key point:

When you feel overwhelmed, use primary relationships to help you decide.

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I can help you make better decisions, more quickly and easily.

And you have a couple of options for your next step. You could contact me and describe what you’re going through. And I’ll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over in person. Either way, I’m here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

Get focused and Get moving.