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You have a troubled relationship with time. In fact, it’s the one thing you really need to work on this year. So why not start now? The next 15 minutes could change your life.


Time keeps on slipping.

You may have heard the Steve Miller Band classic, “Fly Like an Eagle.”

It’s haunting lyric intones, “Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping — into the future.”

And you know the feeling.

In fact, even without listening to the song, you know what a slippery slope time is.

Because there never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do — once you find them.

To quote another song, by Jim Croce.

But the point is —

You’re always playing catch up when it comes to time.

So why is time so slippery?

What is it about time that is so elusive?

Because you’ve tried all kinds of methods to get a grip on this slippery fish —

And yet you’re no closer to feeling in control of your time.

What’s the problem?

The problem is your relationship.

So here’s the reality.

Because the fact is –your trouble with time is your relationship with time.

You know time as something that ticks by.

Or something that is going faster all the time.

When, in fact — time can be something quite different.

Time can be something that doesn’t tick or slip.

In fact, once you change your relationship with time, it will slow down —

And feel as good as a hot tub on a cold night under a bright sky full of stars.

So change your relationship with time.

But here’s the hitch:

In order to change your relationship with time, you also need to change your relationship with your calendar.

Because you’re not using your calendar nearly as powerfully as you could be.

Why is that?

Well, for one thing you’re a creative man.

A man with a Muse.

And many a creative man doesn’t really like his calendar all that much.

In fact, you often feel constricted by your calendar.

But if you want to get a grip on time, you need to change your relationship with your calendar.


Make the relationship spatial.

Because a calendar makes time space.

Let me say that again.

A calendar changes the elusive, etherial dimension of time into space.

Look at the two images below, and you’ll see what I mean.

The first image is of a clock (on a phone):


The second image is of a calendar:


Did you notice the difference?

In the first image, you’ve got time as a number.

Very squishy.

Whereas, in the second image, you’ve got time as space.

A block of time set aside for you to be in.


Does it take some effort?

Yes, of course.

Just like anything worth while.

It does take some effort to actually sit down and convert your good intentions into the spatial dimension of a calendar.

So what I encourage you to do is to get out your calendar and take a good look at it.


Look at it.

Have you made good spaces to be in?

Or is your calendar pretty much a lot of blank space with a few appointments?

Because the more space you intentionally carve out on your calendar, the more you’ll begin to see your time as space.

And once that shift happens — so will your relationship with time.

Be in touch.

And as always, I invite you to be in touch.

If you have questions about what kind of calendar to use, or how to use the calendar you already have more effectively, feel free to write to me.

Or if you’re just feeling overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to begin — that’s fair game, too.

Write to me at

And I’ll be sure to make space for you.