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Life coaching helps you make the hard choices and follow through. But the whole point of coaching is to help you develop the discipline to eventually coach yourself through the hard choices, and live the life you’ve always wanted. 

coach yourself

Start with a good coach.

Because let’s face it. You’ve fallen into some bad habits. And one of those habits is that you’ve gotten lazy about making tough choices. But remember the old saying: “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.” Well, to be fair, maybe you’ve never actually heard that old saying. It’s from Jerzy Gregorek, a Polish man who went from being an alcoholic to winning four World Weightlifting Championships. And the concept is simple: if you do the hard work on the front end, you’ll put into motion something worth more than the sum of its parts. But if instead you take the easy route, then you’ll end up endlessly picking up the pieces. 

Learn to make the tough choices.

And this is one of many ways that life coaching helps. Your coach won’t let you off the hook. A good coach will help you make the hard choices, so that your life becomes easier. But the point of coaching is not to make you dependent upon your coach. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Because the point of life coaching is to help you develop habits and a life plan so that you move out into your own life more powerfully. And with good coaching, you’ll learn to coach yourself into an ongoing and better life. Because underneath your lack of accountability and follow through up to this point is a lack of confidence that you are able to follow through on your own best intentions. In fact, you’re pretty convinced that nothing is really going to get you past the same old road blocks that have held you back for years.

Follow through — coach yourself.

But the time comes to actually do what you’ve been saying you’re going to do. Because you’ve tried several times before, and you haven’t followed through on your own best intentions and ideas. But this time, begin with a good coach. And then move on to developing the habits that will enable you to coach yourself through the hard choices. What are some of the hard choices that you are facing today? Is it a relationship issue? Something at work? Because whatever it is, your coach can help you break the cycle of laziness that you’re currently in. And then give you the tools to take it from there.

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You have several options for your next step. You could read more about this topic. Or you could contact me and describe what you're going through. And I'll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over by phone. Either way, I'm here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

Get focused and Get moving.