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If you knew that today were your last day, what would you do with it?

last day

The end?

You know that sinking feeling. It’s the last day of summer vacation. Or your last day at work. But actually, it could be the end of anything. Because even if today hasn’t been the best, it will soon be over. And if it’s been great — ouch. After all, what could be better? Tomorrow is bound to be a disappointment. And if it’s been awful — maybe tomorrow won’t be any better. Maybe you’re a loser, bound for endless disappointment. But no matter what — something new is coming. Something uncertain. And because you’re not sure what’s coming, you’re anxious. So what can you do?

Make your last day count.

So the first step is — make today your last day — and make it count. Why is this important? It’s important because the way you end today will affect what tomorrow looks like. Which is counter-intuitive, so please listen. Why is it counter-intuitive? Because many times you just want to get through today — so you can start over tomorrow. So you start longing for tomorrow before today is even finished. But when you rush through the day you’re in, you fail to learn the lessons of today. So how can you make sure that you end this day well?

Stay in the moment.

Because you’re going to die. Have you forgotten this? You have, haven’t you? Because if you truly knew this, you’d knock off some of the baloney you’re up to today. And you’d make this day count in a very different way. But you’ve forgotten that you’re going to die. So you waste a lot of time. And much of the time you waste is spent worrying about tomorrow. Or worrying about 30 minutes from right now. In other words — you’re not in the moment you’re in. And this is killing you. Because you’re wasting the time you have.

Please do this.

Watch this brief (under 17 minutes) video, then come right back for the takeaway for today. And don’t be afraid of the picture associated with the talk. It’s not weird or religious. It’s just good food for thought.

7 Questions for today (and every day).

So from the video, here are the main points, which I’ve translated into 7 questions that will help you to stop wasting your time — and live better today.

And here are the questions:

  1. Am I torturing myself by living a 50% life?
  2. Am I paying attention?
  3. What don’t I know?
  4. What do I know for sure?
  5. Am I bullshitting myself?
  6. How can I see more clearly?
  7. Am I doing what truly matters?

If you will engage with these questions, you’ll make today the best day it can be — whether it’s your first day or your last. And if you’d like some help putting these questions into practice, feel free to get in touch with me at As a men’s life coach who works with smart, creative men every day, I can help you live a fuller life.