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If you want to get your message across, give me a reason to care.


What does he care about?

Ask yourself that question, every time you want to get your message across. And you can ask yourself the same question regardless of the gender or the number in your audience. Because unless you ask yourself what your audience cares about, you probably won’t connect with the person or the group you want to connect with. And it’s getting more difficult every day. Because you know how distracting your own life is. And how loud. So many voices trying to get through to you, to the point that most of it is has become only a vague hum. And yet, some messages do get through much better than others.  

Which messages get through?

And the messages that get through won’t surprise you, once you pause for a hot second to think about it. Because you know which messages get through to you. Right? So think about it for a minute. What gets through to you? Isn’t it what you care about? Everything else is just blah blah blah. So use yourself as an example audience as you think about how to get through to others. But even though this is obvious, it is also counter-intuitive. Because when you think about getting your message across, what you usually think about first is not what your audience cares about, but what you care about. And that’s natural. But make this small shift in your communication style if you want to connect more deeply with your audience. 

How to get your message through.

All of which does not diminish your message. Because you do have something to say. But when you take this extra small step (which is where all greatness comes from) you’ll make the shift from mediocre, to meaningful messages. Because the average communicator has a message which he tries to shove down my throat. While it is the great communicator who takes time to match what he has to say with what I’m interested in, and then crafts his message to find that holy ground between us.

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