How can you move beyond the crippling effects of self-doubt? You may be surprised by this unconventional approach.


What’s the story?

First of all — if you’re going to get over your self-doubt —

You better damn-well realize that they’re talking about you.

Because when you’re dealing with self-doubt, there’s always a story.

But what’s the story?

It’s a story in which you fail.

But why am I failing?

You’re failing because you’re a coward.


That’s right — you’re failing because you didn’t have the courage to stand up and do what you needed to do.

And now, it’s too late — or at least that’s what you think.

Because even though you don’t realize it, there is a Scribbler up there in your head telling a whiz-banger in which you fail.

But wait a minute — who’s telling this story?

Did I say there’s a Scribbler in your head?


And she’s writing up a storm —

Casting you as the protagonist — a man with a quest — but the poor guy can’t catch a break.

No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t get up the gumption to do what he needs to do.

And here is where we explore an unorthodox approach to getting at the root of your self-doubt.

First, we get you to realize that there’s a crippling story being told about you by someone in your own head.

And then, we get you to tell your own story.

But why is it a story of self-doubt?

Because congratulations — you’re a man.

And as a man, you have a quest.

Because there is actually something courageous that you’re supposed to be doing with your life.

But you’re not doing it.

And the question is — why not?

The reason is because you’re not only a man — you’re a human.

And the natural state of human beings is to be afraid.

That’s right — it’s natural to be afraid.

Because if your brain and your nervous system are working, you realize that it’s a big scary world out there.

And your natural instinct is to survive.

Which means keep your head low, Billy.

Don’t be a hero.

But how can I tell a better story?

So — if you’re going to get over your self-doubt, you’ve got to run up there and have a talk with the Scribbler.

And here is the surprising truth.

She wants to tell a different story.

She actually wants to cast you as the hero, so you can sweep her off her feet.

But you have been woefully missing in action.

And she needs better material to use so she can tell a better story.

So give her some better material.

Work with her.

And here’s how.

And you may poo-poo this advice.

But you do so at your own peril.

Because what you need to do is sit your ass down in a chair and write.


Me — write?


You — write.

But I’m not a writer, you protest.

And what should I write, you complain.

And here’s what to write.

  1. Write about what you’re afraid of.
  2. Write about how much time you’ve wasted.
  3. And then write about what you don’t want.

Start with those three.

And then, write about what you do want — what you would do, if you were brave enough — as you want to live and as you want to be remembered — in not more than three pages, single spaced (if you’re typing). If you’re writing it out by hand, you get up to 7 pages — but no more.

Because for God’s sake, man.

If you don’t tell your own story, who will?

And here’s what to do next.

So if you’re still with me —

What to do next is nothing.

Did I say nothing?


Because you need to let that story sit on your shelf and simmer.

But when you’re ready, pick it up and read it.

And then get to work.

For more on telling your story and removing self-doubt, check out this short talk (10 minutes long, well worth it.)


And finally —

You know I’m here to help.

If you want any help with this project, just write to me at

I’ll be in touch.