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Use this time to gather what matters.

use this time, men's life coaching blog

Time is short.

Too often, we forget that time is rapidly running out. Recent days have reminded us how short our time really is. But you could easily forget this moment as soon as the stock market rebounds. Please don’t make that mistake. Use this time to build something that will last.

What will you build?

You know about the four quadrants. If you don’t, please take a quick look here to refresh your memory. But basically, the four quadrants remind us of how we use our time. My question to all of us is: in this extraordinary moment, what will each of us build — something that will last? You could build your relationship with your partner. You could build a new routine into your day. Whatever it is — center it in quadrant two, what I like to call Q2.

Q2 for you.

Q2 is that quadrant where we look ahead: what Stephen Covey would call “keeping the end in mind.” It’s where we plan and build relationships. My wish for you during this unique time is that you will build the habit of spending more time in Q2 into your daily and weekly routine. All it would take is setting aside an hour or so out of your whole day or week to look ahead and ask the big questions, so you don’t get caught flat-footed when something unexpected comes along.

So please do this.

Please use the next 12 minutes to watch this brief talk by Brad Aeon about how to think about time. And then come right back for today’s takeaway.

Ask yourself.

What will I do with my time today?

Read more.

More like this?

Would you like some help with time management? Please contact me. I can help you ask the big questions, and make the most of your time.

And you have a couple of options for your next step. You could contact me and describe what you’re going through. And I’ll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over in person. Either way, I’m here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

Get focused and Get moving.