Would you like to suffer less? Here’s how

Would you like to suffer less? Here’s how

We suffer more in imagination than in reality. Ready to stop the endless spin cycle? You’re spinning again. Seneca, that ancient Roman Stoic philosopher said it well:  We suffer more in imagination than in reality. Which means you have a good problem. But...
Are you man enough to follow your heart?

Are you man enough to follow your heart?

You’re wasting a lot of time keeping up your man shields. Let’s get to the heart of the problem. Looking good. All those images we’ve been living on, from at least middle school on, if not earlier, about what it means to be a man; it’s all...

Where are you headed? You might be surprised

You might be surprised by what’s coming. Keep heading for the mountain. Where are you headed? I’m asking you a question. Please don’t stare at me blankly, like a deer in the headlights. Dear, but not a deer. You are dear. You are dear because there...
How to protect yourself against impeachment

How to protect yourself against impeachment

Impeachment is a claim against your character. Are you ready? What is impeachment? Impeachment does not in itself remove the official from office; it is the equivalent to an indictment in criminal law, and thus is only the statement of charges against the official....
Struggling to focus? Start here.

Struggling to focus? Start here.

Even smart men have trouble focusing sometimes. So instead of getting embarassed, get focused. And if you’re struggling to focus today, start here. Feeling a bit shaky? When I was 11, my parents divorced. And they needed to park me somewhere while they sorted...