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Want more confidence? Do it again.

Want more confidence? Do it again.

You want more confidence, but you don’t know where to get it. Here’s where you get it. First — What is confidence, anyway? Confidence comes from training and repetition. Plain and simple. For example — I am typing this blog without looking at...
Why do you keep choosing regret?

Why do you keep choosing regret?

You do realize that regret is a choice, don’t you? So why do you keep choosing regret? The statistics are in: 9 out of 10 men regret major portions of their lives. And what is the major reason for this regret? You might be surprised. Because it’s not what...
What are you waiting for? Time to tip.

What are you waiting for? Time to tip.

Whether it’s starting a new habit or launching your passion project, you keep waiting. And yes — putting it off feels safe. But you’re robbing yourself of the time you need — and killing your confidence. You’re waiting for the perfect...
Stop worrying — and make a plan

Stop worrying — and make a plan

Worrying is like revving your engine — and going nowhere. And as much fun as it is to rev your engine, what you really enjoy is getting somewhere. What am I worrying about? So the first question to ask yourself is “What am I worried about?” Because...