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You know that everything essential must be easy. So — have you carved out a space where you can create?

space where you can create

You’ll never get to it otherwise.

Think about it. If you’re going to do almost anything, you’ve got to have a system for it. Because if it’s too hard, you just never get around to doing it. And that’s true for eating and sleeping and everything essential. So why don’t you have a space carved out where you can easily create?

It doesn’t have to be grand.

And you might be thinking: well, that’s easy for him to say. He has his own studio where he works. That’s where he meets his clients and that’s where he goes to do his work when he’s not meeting with clients. And that would be true. I do have a studio where I work. But if you’ve ever been to my studio, you know it’s not spacious or grand. It’s a little room on the second floor of an old house on Broadway in Portland. Not the most elegant by any measure. But what I do have is a process, a system. 

How to make a space where you can create.

So — If you want to get your art out there, whether it’s writing or creating delicious food, or fine art or whatever — please watch this brief (about 28 minutes) talk by Andrew Price, and then come right back for today’s takeaway.

Don’t wait: start today.

You caught the message, right? Here are the seven takeaways. 

  1. Daily Work.
  2. Volume, not perfection.
  3. Steal.
  4. Conscious learning.
  5. Rest.
  6. Get feedback.
  7. Create what you love.

Because this is a system. And it’s pretty close to the system I use for my own creative work. And of course you can create your own system. If you don’t like this list of seven crucial steps to success, create your own system. But create a system, settle into it, and use it — if you care about getting your art to market. This is how you make space where you can create. It’s more than a physical space. It’s a way of looking at your creative life and your art.

Read more.

More like this?

I can help you develop a space where you can create — so you can make progress faster and better with your creative ventures.

And you have a couple of options for your next step. You could contact me and describe what you’re going through. And I’ll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over in person. Either way, I’m here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

Get focused and Get moving.