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Your thoughts are making you miserable. And there are so many negative thoughts that might be dragging you down at any one time. But let’s start with just one. And ask: who would I be without that thought?

that negative thought

Who would I be?

It’s no secret that negative thoughts can drag you down. And because you’re a creative man, you have a unique ability to create and hold more thoughts than the average man. Which also means that you can create and hold more negative thoughts than many of those around you. So what happens when those negative thoughts take hold and begin to grow? They drag you down. So let’s consider: Who would you be without that thought?

Imagine it.

So let’s say, for example, that the negative thought that is getting in your way at the moment is: My boss, Joe, doesn’t respect me. He’s my boss, but he’s treating me like I’m some kind of idiot. So every time Joe comes around, I get my hackles up. I see Joe as my enemy. And it’s making my day suck. OK? So there’s just one possible example. So the question becomes: who would you be if you didn’t have that thought? Can you even imagine how much better your day, much less your life, would be if you didn’t have that mill stone around your neck?

Don’t wait: start today.

If that sounds appealing: to have a less difficult day with fewer negative thoughts, please watch this brief (under 25 minutes ) talk by Byron Katie, and then come right back for today’s takeaway.

Read more.

Please answer these four questions.

To recap, here are the four questions:

  1. What is the judgment that I am experiencing, either by myself or by someone else?
  2.  Is it (that judgment) true? Yes or no?
  3. How do I react when I believe that thought? How does that thought make me feel?
  4. Who would I be without that negative thought?

More like this?

I can help you look at your negative thoughts, and move beyond them. 

And you have a couple of options for your next step. You could contact me and describe what you’re going through. And I’ll be in touch with suggestions. Or you can book a free session to make a time to get together and talk it over in person. Either way, I’m here to help you focusovercome resistance, and get moving again.

Get focused and Get moving.