How to make the right decision

How to make the right decision

Are you struggling to make the right decision? Master this one small technique to make the right decision consistently. Why is it so hard to make the right decision? Making the right decision has always been difficult for you, in part because you care so much. Maybe...
Having a rough day? Ask this question

Having a rough day? Ask this question

Answer to this one, simple question and you’ll be on your way to sorting out the problem and getting back on track, when you’re in the midst of a rough day. What am I resisting? This is the question. Let’s say you just did something foolish and you...
How to lead your partner in the dance

How to lead your partner in the dance

You lead at work, but at home you’re often at a loss when it comes to leading your partner. Why is that? And how can you lead better at home? Identify yourself as a leader. An essential part of confident leadership is to identify yourself as a leader. Go ahead...
How to have a difficult conversation

How to have a difficult conversation

How to have a difficult conversation, without losing your conversation partner along the way. How to begin? Begin with yourself. You have a grievance. Someone at work or at home is not treating you as well as you deserve, and you want to have it out with them. (Well:...
Stuck in the middle again?

Stuck in the middle again?

Do you aim to please others? No wonder you’re stuck in the middle again. Let’s get you out of that precarious spot. Are you a pleaser? Do you go out of your way to make others feel comfortable? Let’s say you’re at home, and you sense some...
Why do you keep holding back?

Why do you keep holding back?

Another day lost, without doing what you really wanted to do. You’re holding back. Why? Let’s find out. Maybe you’re shy. There are many reasons why you might be feeling shy. You may have just been dumped in a relationship. Or you may be habitually...