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What do you want to learn today?

What do you want to learn today?

Tired of the same old? Learn something new today. Here’s how. How did I get here? First, ask yourself this question. Whether you are struggling in a relationship, feeling bored, or just kind of blah blah blah, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds and...
Blink and it’s over. Don’t wait

Blink and it’s over. Don’t wait

The whistle blows before you’re ready. Blink and your opportunity has passed — unless you listen and make a plan for action. As long as you know. If you are happy with your life, don’t let me rain on your parade. Maybe you feel comfortable letting...
Why don’t they thank you more often?

Why don’t they thank you more often?

You would think that after all you’ve done, your desk would be cluttered with thank-you notes. But it’s not. Why not? Here’s why. If you’re doing it for the applause, you might be disappointed. Especially if what you are doing is creative. In...
Did you forget success comes one step at a time?

Did you forget success comes one step at a time?

Suddenly, a successful person appears on the stage. It may be a singer or an author or any number of success stories. And you think: Wow. How did they do it? Success comes one step at a time. Sudden recognition? Someone wins the Pulitzer or a Grammy or some other form...
If you want something to grow, focus on it

If you want something to grow, focus on it

If you’re focused on what you can’t do, you will become weaker. Instead, choose where you want to grow, and focus on it. It’s tender. The part of you that is struggling to grow is tender. Maybe even aching, like that memory of rejection or the lack...